Planning Manager

Job Information

Job Category

Land Use

Company Name

City of South Pasadena

Position Level


Job Description

Under administrative direction, manage, supervise, and coordinate the assigned activities and operations within the Planning Division of the Community Development Department including processing current planning applications, advanced planning functions, capital projects, and environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act; coordinates assigned activities with other divisions, outside agencies, and the general public; and provides highly responsible and complex staff assistance to the Director of Community Development. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES The duties listed below are examples of the work typically performed by employees in this class. An employee may not be assigned all duties listed and may be assigned duties that are not listed below: 1. Assume management responsibility for assigned services and activities of the Planning Division including current and advanced planning functions, programs, and services; review and process community development, environmental, and planning projects and applications to ensure consistency with policies and procedures; oversee public counter services, permitting, and plan check review 2. Manage and participate in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies and priorities for assigned programs; recommend and administer policies and procedures. 3. Monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; recommend, within departmental policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; identify and recommend opportunities for improvement. 4. Plan, direct, coordinate and review the work plan for planning staff; assign work activities, projects and programs; review and evaluate work products, methods and procedures; meet with staff to identify and resolve problems. 5. Assists the Director of Community Development in planning, developing, overseeing and administering the Department’s objectives, policies, programs, procedures and services, including organizing, managing, and providing administrative direction and oversight for major functions and activities. 6. Researches, analyzes and interprets data collected, and makes recommendations on potential programs; prepares and administers budgets; draft RFPs/RFQs and selects consultants/contractors; coordinates administrative activities for a variety of City programs. 7. Select, train, motivate and evaluate planning personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures; oversee the work of contractors and consultants. 8. Assures the systematic implementation of the General Plan for the City; meets with developers, engineers, property owners, contractors, and other agencies to discuss project proposals, pre-applications, feasibility analysis, and/or status of development projects; responds to and/or assists with resolving difficult and sensitive public inquiries and complaints. 9. Prepares, reviews and presents staff report to the City Council, Planning Commission, and boards and other commissions, and assists with maintaining official department files; coordinates committee activities, meetings, and related responsibilities; represents the City with other government agencies and community groups. 10. Participates in the development and administration of the annual budget; participates in the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; monitors and approve expenditures; implements adjustments. 11. Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of planning and community development.

Required Skills / Experience / Education

EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE: Graduation from accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree in urban planning, public administration or policy, urban design, or a related field. A master’s degree is desirable and at least five years of increasingly responsible analytical and administrative experience with a government agency, preferably within a municipal setting. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of: Operational characteristics, services, and activities of a planning department; principles and practices of program development and administration; theories, principles, procedures, standards, practices, information sources and trends in the fields of current and advanced planning; land use, physical design, demographic, environmental, and social/economic concepts as applied to municipal planning; statistical analysis techniques related to municipal planning; application, modification, and inter-relationships among ordinances, policies, standards, procedures and practices associated with the planning function; applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including state planning laws, zoning, Subdivision Map Act, and California Environment Quality Act (CEQA); terminology, symbols, methods, and techniques used in planning and planning exhibits such as site plans, grading plans and architectural elevations; local government organization and the functions and practices of a municipal planning unit; research methods and statistical techniques and applications; office procedures, methods, and equipment including computers and applicable software applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases; principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration; principles and practices of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Ability to: Oversee and participate in the management of a comprehensive planning program including current and advanced planning activities and projects; oversee, direct, and coordinate the work of lower level staff; select, supervise, train, and evaluate staff; participate in the development and administration of division goals, objectives, and procedures; prepare and administer program budgets; prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports; perform and coordinate technical current, advanced, and project-planning activities, such as the collection, analysis, and preparation of reports and recommendations pertaining to complex issues; interpret laws, policies, procedures, regulations, maps, specifications, census data, site and building plans, graphs and other statistical data; direct the preparation of visual displays, such as maps, graphs, and statistical charts; exercise sound independent judgment within departmental guidelines; represent the City effectively in meetings with commissions, community groups, governmental bodies, the media, and the public; conduct analyses and make accurate recommendations based on study findings; independently complete a variety of assignments; prioritize multiple work projects and meet deadlines; display a strong work ethic, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to foster effective working relationships with City Council, City Departments; operate office equipment including computers and supporting word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications; communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work.

US Citizenship Required?


Will security clearance be required?


Job Start Date


Position Type

Permanent Full-Time



Primary Language Required



Local Government

Job Location

Location Address

1414 Mission Street
South Pasadena, California

Contact Information

Hiring Contact Name

Alison Becker, AICP


[email protected]

Phone Number

(626) 403-7220
