This page includes information on bills in the current legislative session that the Chapter’s Policy & Legislative team is tracking, along with position letters for some bills.
For information on bills from previous years, see the Legislative Updates and Legislative Updates Archive page.
Current Legislative Session Bill List
Every year, the Legislature introduces around 2000 + bills on average and APA California tracks several by creating a comprehensive list of bills that serves as a resource for members to stay up to date with what the Chapter is tracking and includes summaries, status updates and direct links to language for bills of interest to planners. For help with how to use this list, review the APA California Bill List Review Guidance.
APA California’s Full Bill List as of March 15, 2025
Looking for a bill not on APA California’s list? Visit the California Legislative Information page to look up all bills, analyses, history and the current status here.
APA California Position Letters and Legislative Engagement
APA California actively engages during the legislative session and takes positions and/or provides feedback on many planning-related bills each year, using guidance from the Chapter’s Board approved Legislative Platform. In addition, the Chapter’s legislative team works with Section Legislative Representatives to solicit feedback from APA California members on legislation throughout each session.
Even if you don’t see a position letter on a particular bill, that doesn’t mean the legislative team isn’t working on it. We are often working in advance of taking a position on a bill to try and address concerns where possible and are often asked to provide technical feedback generally throughout session.
2025 Position Letters
- AB 306 (Schultz) Building regulations: state building standards. – SUPPORT
- AB 462 (Lowenthal) Land use: coastal development permits: accessory dwelling units. – SUPPORT
- AB 301 (Schiavo) Planning and zoning: housing development projects: post entitlement phase permits: state departments. – SUPPORT
- AB 417 (Carrillo) Local finance: enhanced infrastructure financing districts: community revitalization and investment authorities. – SUPPORT
- AB 462 (Lowenthal) Land use: coastal development permits: accessory dwelling units. – SUPPORT
- AB 736 (Wicks) The Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026 – SUPPORT
- AB 357 (Alvarez) Coastal resources: coastal development permit: exclusions – SUPPORT
- SB 417 (Cabaldon) The Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026 – SUPPORT