Call for Proposals

Submissions Close March 4!

The Call for Sessions for the 2024 APA California Conference, “Cultivating our Future”, is officially open. Below is an outline of the key information that will be required for session submission. We are committed to providing an exceptional conference.  Session selection will carefully consider the rigor of proposals including the comprehensiveness of the abstract description, and quality and credibility of the learning objectives. 

We encourage proposals from a broad range of planning backgrounds from Young Emerging Planners to experienced Planners, as well as proposals presented by multiple firms, jurisdictions, and disciplines. Students are also encouraged to submit a proposal. We also encourage you to propose atypical presenters and speakers, including community members, non-planners, and others with different points of view.

A range of session topics are encouraged, the review and selection committee will consider program variety during session selection to ensure that a well-rounded program is provided for the conference. Session submissions should include all of the required information outlined below, completeness of the submission will be considered during the review and selection process.