Community Development Director

Job Information

Job Category

Environmental, Land Use, Parks Planning, Rural Planning, Transportation, Urban Design

Company Name

City of Kerman

Position Level


Job Description

The City of Kerman seeks a Community Development Director who will plan, organize and direct the activities of the Planning & Building Department that provide current and advance planning, plan checking, building inspection, and code enforcement services. This is an at-will, management (FLSA exempt) position that reports directly to the City Manager and is an essential member of the Executive Management Team. The Director will supervise and lead the Department which currently consists of administrative support staff and contract building inspector, contract building official and contract land use consultant(s). Essential Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
  • Assists in the development of City goals, objectives, and priorities for the City.
  • Establishes departmental programs consistent with and supportive of these goals, objectives, and priorities.
  • Oversees and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the department’s programs.
  • Participates in the selection and assignment of department employees and provides for the supervision and training of all personnel.
  • Assigns, directs, evaluates, rewards, and disciplines those employees directly supervised in accordance with City policy.
  • Assures that department employees are instructed in job safe practices.
  • Researches and develops suggested changes to the department budgets.
  • Prepares City Council agenda items for review and approval by the City Manager.
  • Prepares master plans for mixed-use areas and business campuses utilizing urban design skills.
  • Directs maintenance of the City General Plan, Specific Plans, and Zoning Code and the required updates.
  • Confers with Division and Department staff, other departments, and various groups on assigned activities.
  • Confers, negotiates, and manages consultants on planning projects including master plans and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) contracts.
  • Prepares documents and reports for the Planning Commission and City Council consideration.
  • Negotiates with outside entities concerning the establishment of approved contractual relationships with the City concerning those matters under department cognizance.
  • Administers these and other City contracts that relate to and are within the scope of department responsibilities.
  • Authorizes purchase of departmental materials and equipment.
  • Provides professional staff assistance, technical support, and advice to the City Manager and other department heads.
  • Drafts correspondence in response to public inquiries, and monitors department program activities for compliance.
  • Prepares staff analysis and reports on various projects and programs.
  • Presents analysis in both oral and written form through Council and other public presentations.
  • Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates all the activities of the Community Development Department.
  • Conducts studies relevant to department and divisional programs and activities.
  • Support of LEED Certification cases.
  • Prepares recommendations relating to future growth and development.
  • Works closely with the City Manager, City Council, and serves as staff to the Planning Commission.
  • Meets with developers and business owners planning projects in the city.
  • Prepares, implements and administers the City’s General Plan.
  • Administers contracts for general plan update.
  • Prepares staff reports and makes recommendations relating to future growth and development.
  • Investigates and makes reports on subdivision plans, zone variances, conditional use permit, and processing of zoning applications.
  • Represents the City on regional planning events, committees and commissions.
  • Provides front line, strong support to the City‘s Economic Development Program.

Required Skills / Experience / Education

Minimum qualifications include the following: Education — A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional education and experience in urban planning, city and regional planning, architecture, public administration, or a related field required. Experience — Five years of increasingly responsible experience in urban planning, city and regional planning, or municipal planning. Prior project and personnel supervisor and management experience. Special Qualifications — Bilingual preferred. Possession of a valid California Class C Drivers License is required.

US Citizenship Required?


Will security clearance be required?


Salary Range

Salary is to be reviewed upon qualifications

Other Benefits

The City offers a comprehensive and competitive benefit package including: Vacation—Starts at 15 days per year, with progressive earned vacation credits with time in service. Administrative Leave—10 days (80 hours) administrative leave per year. Holidays—Eleven (11) paid holidays per year. Sick Leave—10 days (80 hours) sick leave annually. Bilingual pay—Upon earning a passing score of the examination. Insurance—City provides health benefit coverage (health, dental and vision) for employees. Employees contribute 30% of cost for dependent coverage. Retirement—CalPERS 2% @ 60 retirement benefit formula, three year average, with employee paying the full 7% of the employee contribution if considered a “classic member” by CalPERS. If considered a “new member” by CalPERS, then the retirement benefit formula is 2% @ 62% with the employee paying the full 7.75% employee contribution amount. Pension formulas are determined based on provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). The employee contribution amount is subject to adjustment by CalPERS. Social Security coverage—Employee pays employee portion. Long Term Disability Plan—50% paid by City. State Disability Insurance (SDI)— Paid by the City. Life Insurance—$75,000 Life Insurance Plan— Paid by the City. Optional Deferred Comp (457 Plan) available. Employee Assistance Program—Provided to employee and qualifying family members at no cost. Pre-Tax Flexible Benefit Program – Section 125 Flex plan available at the employee’s option and is funded by employee salary reductions only.

Job Start Date


Position Type




Primary Language Required


Job Location

Location Address

850 South Madera Avenue
Kerman, California

Contact Information

Hiring Contact Name

Akayla Cheema


[email protected]

Phone Number

(559) 846-9851
